kissgen KISS-Inspired Static Site GENerator kissgen renders plain text source files AS-IS to HTML. There is no syntax, no formatting, no schematic meanings, you do whatever you want with plain text files, and it will be displayed the same in web browser as in your text editor. WARNING This project is for my personal use, therefore the documentation and options are severely lacking and limited, feel free to create feature requests or report any bugs in issue tracker [1]. [1] THE BEGINNING For a very long time, I've grown to dislike how the web has become with all the fanciness but very little informative. That's when I attempted to write in plain text [1] in late 2016, but that didn't go very far, because the media -- GitHub README/text render -- does not work for my needs, there is no linkification for text files except README.txt. [1] I have thought about using any static site generator or Jekyll to produce a plain-text-like view in web browser, but again, they all have too many features and dependencies that I don't need and don't want to install. Finally in March, 2018, I started to work on my own very specific static site generator, coding in Bash. PHILOSOPHY * KISS principle [K] and Unix philosophy [U] Well, attempting to follow them. [K] [U] * All About Text * Render AS-IS (WYSIWYG) in HTML <pre> * No modifications of the text * Less is More SCRIPTS kissgen consists of a set of scripts: - bin/gen generates static site HTML pages, using t2h to convert each text - bin/idx generates directory listing, using t2h to form 00INDEX.html - bin/t2h converts plain text file to HTML INSTALLATION There is no installation at the moment and probably would never have if I am the only person use them. USAGE $ gen text.dir html.dir $ idx html.dir [G] ./doc/gen.html [I] ./doc/idx.html [T] ./doc/t2h.html COPYRIGHT kissgen is licensed under the MIT License [L]. [L] ./LICENSE.html